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3 Bible Truths About Giving Thanks


1Thessalonians 5:18 instructs us, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Again, Ephesians 5:18-20 tells us two results of being "filled with the Spirit" will be: 1. Praise in song and, 2. Thanksgiving. Notice these are to be done "always" and "for all things"

A spiritually mature Christian is grateful all the time in all circumstances.

Three "blinders" to gratitude are:

  1. Pride will blind us to God's blessings in our lives. We see only our own pain or achievements.

  2. Discontentment will blind us to God's blessings in our lives! It seems that contentment does not come naturally and as a result too many fail to see God's blessings and goodness in anything.

  3. Taking things for granted will blind us to God's blessings in our lives! Someone has said that if the stars only came out one night a year, we would all stay up all night looking at them in amazement, but because we see them every night we fail to appreciate their grandeur. I'm afraid this is true concerning many of God's blessings in our lives.

If anyone has a reason to be grateful at all times, it is those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.

Here are three Bible truths about giving thanks:

  1. Our Gratitude Should Be Manifest! In Luke 17:11-19 ten lepers where healed. I have no doubt they were all very grateful for this miraculous healing, however, only one came back and expressed his gratitude. He wasn't healed any more than the others, he just responded and manifest his gratitude and as a result received an extra blessing from the Lord. Throughout Scripture we are told not only to be thankful, but to give thanks.

  2. Our Gratitude Should Multiply! As we learn to consistently express our gratitude for the obvious blessings, we grow into the ability to be grateful for the less obvious blessings. Determine to thank God for the obvious blessings in life. We must not take these blessings for granted. Discipline myself to give thanks for the burdens (not so obvious) blessings. Contentment and gratitude for the burdens of life must be learned (see Philippians 4:11). Brother Brad Rinard was a faithful member of our church for many years. He was diagnosed with cancer which ultimately took his life. Some time before he died we were talking about his condition and he told me he was grateful that he was learning to pray and walk closer with the Lord. Another fellow was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, again which ultimately took his life. However, he told me he was grateful for his condition because God used that to bring him to Christ Who saved his soul and changed his life. I believe there are great and extra blessings for those who learn to given thanks even for burdens.

  3. Giving Thanks is Mandatory! We're told in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that it is God's will for His people to give thanks in everything. To do otherwise is sin, is disobedience, and rebellion.

Being grateful and publicly and sincerely expressing that gratitude is good for us mentally, physically, and spiritually.

As we enter the month of November, lets determine to develop and maintain an attitude of gratitude throughout the month and throughout the year. Psalm 92:1, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:"

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1 Comment

Nov 05, 2024

A wonderful reminder to be grateful even in the mist of trials. God is good!

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